Chinese Cinderella (BookRags)
How does Niang get big sister to go over to the other side?

When the children attempt to get organized and revolt against Niang, by sending a letter to Father about how unequal their treatment is. Niang catches wind of this plot, and though she does nothing initially, she invites Big Sister to the second floor and converts her into a spy. The siblings cannot remain organized without the help of Big Sister and their attempts to change the situation cease. In moving her to the second floor with her father and Niang's family.... Niang gains a supporter.
The next day, as we rose from the table after a festive New Year’s dinner, Niang smiled at Big Sister and invited her to move downstairs into a spare bedroom on the second floor, their floor. Her offer aroused a number of disturbing emotions among us.
After Big Sister (Da Jie, ) moved down to the second floor, she started assuming airs and distancing herself from those of us left on the floor above.