Canada: A Novel
What is the author's style in the book, Canada: A Novel?
Canada: A Novel

Canada: A Novel
The prose style of Canada as narrated by Dell is simple and straightforward. Although he is an English teacher, Dell does not dazzle us intellectually, and the novel plods along as its horrific story unfolds. The very beginning of the novel typifies the writing throughout the book: “First, I’ll tell about the robbery out parents committed” (3). This cryptic opening intrigues readers, and, as stated above, even though the novel consists of the first-person point of view, Dell’s use of “our” here includes his sister Berner, and it’s an unusual instance of this pronoun in the book. Dell might also phrase it this way to include all readers as well. In other words, Dell takes “us” on “our” journey as we join him to reach its startling outcome.