Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
who are the good and bad guys?

Generally, the American government are seen as the "bad guys" and the aboriginals were seen as "collateral damage" in shaping the West. I think it is far more complicated than simple labels of bad and good. The Indians were not considered as being citizens of the US and thus the government veiled that they did not had the right to live where they wanted to live. Because of this, the US government felt entitled to relocate forcefully thousands of Indians for various economic reasons. While the US government wanted to relocate the Indians for economic reasons, the Indians depended on the land they were living. the Indians have been for centuries hunters who depended on the buffalo living on their lands and when they were forcefully removed and forced to live in other parts of the country that were not suitable for living, many Indians died of starvation. When the Indians tried to left the new reservations, they were not allowed to even when it became clear that the new territories were not suitable to sustain life.