Briar Rose
What is the author's style in Briar Rose by Jane Yolen?

The story is presented in third person from Becca's perspective, though that perspective is greatly expanded through the stories told to her by others. This is especially true of the man she meets in Poland who reveals his life during World War II and his role in helping Becca's grandmother escape from Poland to America. Becca's memories of her childhood with her two sisters revolves almost exclusively around the story told by their grandmother. The reader should keep in mind that the story begins before Becca is old enough to have memories of her own, making it necessary to use a third-person presentation. There are few details about anything else Becca or her sisters do except as it relates to the story or is prompted by the story. It's evident that Becca shares a stronger bond with her grandmother than either of her sisters. It seems this could be because her sisters, older and much closer in age than Becca is to them, share a strong bond already. Becca may be so close to her grandmother because she lacks that bond with a sibling. Becca does remember saying that she doesn't understand a particular aspect of the story simply as a way of trying to be more like her sisters, though she secretly admits that she does understand her grandmother's words. The limitations of the story are off-set by the fact that people who knew her grandmother share information with Becca. For example, she finds a man who'd played a role in saving Becca's grandmother from death and helping her escape to America. That man's memories are told to Becca so that his story is presented from her perspective as listener, though she wasn't there during the time of her grandmother's internment into a concentration camp. The perspective and its limitations is acceptable for the story.
Briar Rose, BookRags