Brian's Winter
What gave Brian the idea of making snowshoes

What gave Brian the idea of making snowshoes
Brian got the idea of making snowshoes while observing a rabbit running across the snow. He noticed that unlike his own feet, which sunk into the snow with each step, the rabbit was able to stay on the surface. Upon closer inspection, Brian saw that the rabbit grew hair on its feet during the winter that noticeably increased their size. Bigger feet allowed the rabbit to stay on top of the snow.
Without sinking in. Brian watched it run away and had taken another four or five steps when it hit him that the rabbit was running on top of the snow while Brian was sinking in with each step.
He moved to the rabbit’s tracks and studied them. They were huge, fully twice the size of the feet he had seen on rabbits earlier, and when he examined the tracks more closely he saw that the rabbit had grown hair to increase the size of its feet and he thought how perfect they were: to be able to do that, change color in the winter and grow bigger feet to stay on top of the snow. How perfect. And he set the information back in his mind and went on about preparing for Thanksgiving.
Brian's Winter