Bravo Two Zero
How is Dinger described in the memoir, Bravo Two Zero?

Dinger is described as a tough looking character with scary eyes and a scary voice. Despite his rough looks, however, he was a deeply loyal friend and soldier and was very intelligent. He had a very sharp, analytical brain. Like Andy, he was dedicated to his comrades and withstood torture rather than giving out any truth that would harm his Regiment. He was a constant inspiration to Andy during their time in captivity, offering support just by his nearness. Whenever he had the chance, he would smile or wink at Andy, offering encouragement while they were imprisoned. When things got rough with their captors, if he was capable of it, he would smile and act nonchalant. A chain smoker, Dinger was constantly trying to get cigarettes while the team was escaping and when he and Andy were in captivity.