Born at Midnight
What is the author's style in Born at Midnight by C. C. Hunter?

The story is written in third person but from the limited perspective of Kylie Galen. The limited perspective is necessary in order to maintain the twists and surprises of the book. For example, Kylie spends some time with Derek and fear that Derek is manipulating her emotions to make her like him more than she really does. Kylie confesses this fear to Holiday and Holiday assures her she doesn't believe Derek would do that. Kylie wants to believe what she feels for Derek is genuine as well but the reader is never given any indication from Derek's perspective whether this is the case. There is a scene near the end of the book in which the perspective seems to shift for a moment. Kylie and Derek are attacked at the wildlife refuge and the reader sees someone trying to revive Kylie. It seems the perspective has switched but Kylie then realizes she's in the body of the ghost soldier and is merely watching fro above. The limited perspective means the reader doesn't know that Sky Peacemaker is involved in the slaughter of the animals at the refuge until Kylie learns about it. The reader knows only the thoughts of Kylie over the course of the book. When Lucas disappears, Kylie doesn't know where he's gone and the reader, therefore, doesn't know. At one point Lucas seems to be worried about Kylie spending time with Derek but the reader never knows whether that's just because Lucas is jealous or if there's something sinister about Derek that is not revealed in this story.