Blood on the River
Who is Reverend Hunt from the novel, Blood on the River?
Blood on the River

Blood on the River
Reverend Hunt is described as a tall and quiet man with broad shoulders. He takes Samuel under his wing when the boy is brought to his orphanage. He sees the best in Samuel despite his fighting nature, and tries to teach him to follow the path of love rather than that of fear. He brings two of his orphan charges to James Town, Richard and Samuel.
Rev. Hunt's goals in going to James Town are to bring Christianity to the Native Americans in Virginia and to find the Roanoke survivors. As such, he is apparently the only colonist who doesn't seek riches in the New World. He serves as a powerful but relatively neutral party when it comes to dealing with the bad decisions and aggression by the gentlemen against Capt. Smith in particular and the commoners in general. As the only religious leader in the colony, he does his best to maintain peace and remind the colonists what good and Christian behavior looks like. He is the only person to surmise the colonists' summer fevers as a sickness caused by mosquitoes, and he proves to be a wise and careful leader to those who are willing to listen to him.
Blood on the River