Blood of the Fold
What is the author's style in Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind?

The point of view in the story will change between different groups of characters. The story is told in third person with a point of view that is limited to the person or group that is focused on. In the beginning of the story the point of view will stay with the same person or group for at least one chapter and sometimes for several chapters. As the story comes to an end and the story begins to speed up the chapters will switch and have several different point of views that are given in each chapter.
The point of view in the story is not limited to the protagonist and there are several different antagonist that are viewed. The main protagonist is Richard Rahl and all the points of view link back to Richard and the battle that he is fighting.
Since the story is told in the third person point of view the feelings of others are often left to interpretation but the author includes obvious information that gives a clear indication of what is being felt. An example of this is seen when Kahlan tells Zedd how angry she is with Richard. Her feelings are not explored first hand but through her conversation with Zedd.
Blood of the Fold