Blood Rites
What is the author's style in Blood Rites by Jim Butcher?

The story is written from a first person point of view via the main protagonist, Harry Dresden. The view is limited to what Harry can interpret but often there is a lot of information given about the state of mind of other characters or their emotions, based on Harry's interpretation. There are times when Harry cannot read people accurately, but even then the confusion and his initial thoughts are noted to give some indication as to what the character is thinking or feeling.
Butcher uses a lot of dialogue but there are many chapters that focus on the character's interpretation of the scenery or his own inner thoughts. The main character's thoughts and intentions often become clear before the character himself realizes the importance of them. It is seen that the main character has specific reactions when around Murphy. It is clear that he is developing feelings for her although he never states this in the story and seems to try and keep himself from admitting such things.
Blood Rites