Bless Me, Ultima
What is Chapter 1 of Bless Me, Ultima about?

Chapter 1. Bless Me, Ultima is a story about the time that six-year-old Antonio spends with a New Mexican shaman named Ultima. When the story begins, Antonio is almost seven-years-old and shares the attic space in his New Mexican home with his two older sisters. His three older brothers are away, fighting in World War II overseas. Antonio’s mother hopes that he will become the family priest and his father hopes that Antonio will follow in his footsteps and become a vaquero, or cowboy. Antonio overhears his parents discussing a curandera, or healer, that has reached old age. The woman helped deliver all of their children and both of Antonio’s parents have the highest level of respect for her. They decide that they are going to invite her to come live with them.
Antonio has a dream about his birth that includes a woman who he believes is Ultima. In the dream, the family of his mother and the family of his father argue over what type of man Antonio will become. When Ultima arrives at Antonio’s house, he feels a special connection to her and greets her warmly. His sisters are afraid of Ultima and some of the people in the village are also superstitious about her spiritual powers, but Antonio finds her to be soothing. An owl takes up a home outside Ultima’s window and Antonio knows that it is the traditional symbol of shamans.