Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet (Book 3)
What is Kwaku Ware

Kwaku Ware's presence amongst the warriors of Wakanda's past who were summoned symbolizes T'Challa and Wakanda's shift to valuing the nation's people as highly as its warriors. Kwaku was a simple villager who stood up for what he believed in. There were probably thousands more like him but T'Challa and previous Kings ruled in such a way that they never learned these brave villagers’ stories. T'Challa has slowly learned the importance of these people and that Wakanda is only as strong as its people. His summoning of Kwaku along with his father, other previous Black Panthers, and warriors close to the monarchy shows that T'Challa now sees Kwaku's role in Wakanda's history as tantamount to those who work within the walls of The Golden City.