Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet (Book 3)
Tetu and Zenzi's Teleconference Meeting With The Midnight Angels

The Midnight Angels holding their meeting with Tetu and Zenzi via teleconference represents the ideological distance the two factions still have from one another. Tetu has the ability to create portals and transport himself anywhere, so this meeting easily could have been held in person, as previous meeting have been. By holding the meeting over video call the author is showing the increasing distance between the goals and ideology of these two groups. Tetu and Zenzi wish to overthrow the government by whatever violent means are necessary, while The Midnight Angels want justice but cannot justify putting any more Wakandans in danger. This is critical in showing the reader the direction The Midnight Angels are going as the last time they met with Tetu and Zenzi it seemed they may be leaning towards fully joining forces with them.