Baby Teeth
Who is Marie-Anne Dufosset

Marie-Anne Dufosset symbolizes supernatural power and the subversion of social norms. She was the last woman executed as a witch in France in the 18th century. Hanna reads about her online while doing research on the supernatural, and she is taken by the “pretty French name with soft letters, not like the ugly n’s that trampled through ‘Hanna Jensen’” (28). When she begins her campaign of terror on her mother, she takes on the persona of Marie-Anne. “‘My name is Marie-Anne Dufosset,’ she whispered in Mommy’s ear in her bestest French accent. Mommy didn’t’ think she’d played that ‘French by French’ computer game more than once. But she had” (58). By acting in league with this supernatural invisible friend, Hanna spurs herself on to more and more violent attacks on her mother and others.