Chapter 40: What did Isabel realize about America while thinking about Curzon and the words that Henry had spoken?
Chapter 40: What did Isabel realize about America while thinking about Curzon and the words that Henry had spoken?

Chapter 40: What did Isabel realize about America while thinking about Curzon and the words that Henry had spoken?
In Chapter 40, Isabel and Ruth watched the siege from a hill near General Washington’s tent. She realized that she and Curzon had been fighting about how she perceived his love for the army. As she had gotten to know him, she had come to realize that he was a man capable of loving more than just one thing. Spurred on by Henry and Curzon’s faith, Isabel wished for once that it might be possible for them to win their freedom through the war. She realized she had concentrated on freedom on a small scale for so long, trying only to free Ruth, that she had not been able to look at freedom on a larger scale. Even though Curzon had taken time out to help Isabel with her small dream, she realized Curzon wanted to fight for freedom on a larger scale. Isabel also realized that she loved Curzon, and that it had taken courage for her to admit that even to herself.