Artemis Fowl

How does the conflict between Root and Cudgeon resolve?


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Since the troll gets beaten to within inches of its life by Butler, and Artemis is still alive, Cudgeon's plan is a disaster. Not to mention that Holly is not even rescued. Cudgeon blames it all on Holly stating that she helped the humans which thwarted his plan. Root teases Cudgeon by playing with Foaly about the assault of the troll not being captured on disk. Cudgeon demands the disks knowing full well that they exist, but Root is enjoying the game too much to give into Cudgeon. After Cudgeon had gone to the Council behind Root's back. Cudgeon becomes so irate that he attempts to fight with Foaly. Root steps in to stop Cudgeon only to have the tranquilizer dart (that was in a latex fingertip that he had inserted earlier for use against Artemis if needed) went off causing Cudgeon to be unconscious for several hours.