Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder
Who is Franco Columbu from Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder and what is their importance?

Arnold met Franco Columbu at a weight lifting competition in Munich. Columbu was one of the strongest men that Arnold had ever met. After the two began training together, Arnold got Franco interested in bodybuilding not just in power lifting. Despite his unprepossessing physique, Franco had immense will power, and he was a perfect match for Arnold's ferocious workouts. Franco won second place for his height class in the Mr. Universe contest and thereafter joined in the quest for bodybuilding perfection. In 1969, Arnold was beaten in the Mr. Olympia contest by Sergio Oliva, after which, he decided to stay in America for another year. He then persuaded Joe Weider to bring Frank Columbu over as his training partner.
Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder