Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages
What is the author's style in Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages by Tim F. LaHaye?

The story is presented from an omniscient perspective though there are some limitations. These limits are seen most with the deaths of the characters. Each character believes his or her death will be followed by uniting with loved ones in the presence of Jesus, but what happens to individual characters after the moment of their deaths remains a mystery. The omniscient perspective is the only option available to the author because the action occurs in various places around the world, with various characters involved, and several of the characters die. The thoughts and prayers of individual characters is seen throughout the story, putting the reader in the position of knowing the motivations behind specific actions. An important example is seen when Chloe goes outside to check out the presence of Global military forces. She wants to protect Buck from loss of sleep and so puts herself in danger to keep from waking him. As she reaches the door, she wonders if she's made a mistake but doesn't turn back. When she knows she's about to be captured, she does her best to protect her friends and family. Rather than running toward them for help, she leads the soldiers away from the compound, hoping the other believers hiding there will remain safe for at least a short time longer. The omniscient perspective is appropriate and acceptable for the story.