An Elephant in the Garden
Explain one conflict in the plot and how it was resolved
Any conflict is okay

Any conflict is okay
The novel is also unique in that it provides the perspective of people who lived in Germany at the time, the nation that is labelled as the instigator of World War II. Although Mutti and the other characters recognize that their nation was responsible for the conflict, they retain a deep sense of pride and attachment to their nation – Mutti, for example, lives there for the rest of her life. Thus, the reader is provided with insight into the perspectives of German citizens living under authoritarian rule without detracting from the novel’s focus on its character’s lives.
Ultimately, Lizzie’s story is representative of the many others like her who were affected. The family’s struggle, and the plight of the refugees and soldiers they cross on their journey, was echoed by thousands of other families and soldiers in the war. The novel thus has a real-life application and utilizes its historical perspective to make a moral case against war.