Amal Unbound
What details in the text show you how Jawad Sahib sees Amal? Why do you think he makes these prersumptions about her?
Chapter 15-18

Chapter 15-18
Jawad regards his punishment for Amal as merciful, enforcing his cruelty. When Amal first encounters Jawad and Nasreen at their estate, Jawad explains, “‘You should thank her.’ He nodded to [Nasreen]. ‘My mother was in the car that day you ran into us. She’s the only reason you are here at all. I had other ideas on how to handle your disrespect” (79). When Jawad suggest Amal should thank Nasreen, he implies that Amal should feel thankful for her position as a servant. Jawad states that Amal ran into his car, which suggests that he blames Amal for their entire incident and explains why he believes she deserves severe punishment. Jawad perceives himself as a victim in need of retribution following his altercation with Amal. When Jawad explains that Amal should consider herself fortunate to work as a servant, he conveys his inability to sympathize with Amal. Jawad cannot understand that, though Amal’s position in his household is better than other punishments he intended for her, she still perceives her servitude as a curse. Jawad’s incapacity for sympathy decreases his humanity and emphasizes his malice. Jawad’s failure to take responsibility for hitting Amal with his car, lack of empathy, and desire to assign Amal horrible punishments for a minor indiscretion indicate his cruelty.