Amal Unbound
Importance of Gold Bangles

Amal explains that the gold bangles Mehnaz never takes off are her most prized possession. When Nasreen Baji grants Amal a visit with her family, Amal notices that her mother’s bracelets have disappeared. Her family explains that they sold any possessions they could in an attempt to repay Amal’s debt to Jawad Sahib. The gold bangles therefore symbolize Mehnaz’s undying love for her eldest daughter. She gladly parts with her most beloved possession to help end Amal’s suffering. Because Amal states that the bangles contributed to Mehnaz’s wedding dowry, they additionally symbolize antiquated perceptions of women in Pakistan. The prevalence of dowries in Pakistan indicates that women are still considered objects with only material value there. The bangles also represent the gravity of Amal’s debt to Jawad. The money Amal’s family gains from selling Mehnaz’s gold bangles only minimally reduces her debt, revealing how much money Amal owes Jawad.