Amal Unbound
(Amal unbound) How is Amal brave? can you answer in RACECES response.... please
How is Amal brave? Can you answer in RACECES response.... please

How is Amal brave? Can you answer in RACECES response.... please
Amal summons her courage to expose Jawad as a murderer after learning that he killed the diplomat’s son. She entrusts this information to Asif, who compliments Amal for her bravery. Though Amal initially struggles to make friends at the Khan estate, she gradually establishes powerful connections with other servants. As Amal returns home after Nasreen liberates her from her debt following the arrest of Jawad and Khan, she imagines pursuing all her dreams. Amal’s position of servitude ultimately teaches her the significance of power and freedom. She values liberty more after experiencing entrapment and regrets not expressing more appreciation for her former life wile living it.