Alexander Hamilton (biography)

What prompts Aaron Burr to challenge Hamilton to a duel as noted in the biography, Alexander Hamilton?


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Aaron Burr is the Vice President under Thomas Jefferson, and the man who is made infamous for killing Alexander Hamilton in an 1804 duel. Burr is a self-serving widower and womanizer who does whatever he can to get ahead both in politics and law. Burr’s treacherous tactics, however, earn him few friends. Burr later takes offense at comments Hamilton makes of him during a dinner party, to which Burr demands a response. When Hamilton refuses to apologize or disavow these remarks, Burr challenges Hamilton to a duel. Burr deliberately tries to kill Hamilton in the duel, and then upon learning of Hamilton’s death, shows no remorse. Burr’s reputation is ruined, and he later sinks into obscurity, trying to begin his own country in the West and later seeking to rule Mexico. He remarries a wealthy widow and dies in 1836 after suffering two strokes.


Alexander Hamilton, BookRags