Alexander Hamilton (biography)
What is the author's perspective in the biography, Alexander Hamilton?

Ron Chernow writes his biography “Alexander Hamilton” in language that is simple, but peppered with educated, early American vocabulary. This is done for at least two reasons. First, the simple language is essential to Chernow’s biography, which is massive and far-ranging. The simple language allows Chernow to speak straightforwardly about complicated times and complicated people, including Hamilton. The brevity in words also acts as a refreshing counter to the sheer length of the biography itself. This makes complex events easy to understand. Second, the appearance of early American language, educated, formal, and often poetic, not only gives the biography an authentic feel, but demonstrates to modern readers what late Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Century America were like. For example, Chernow uses the words "self-effacing" instead of "humility", "exuberant" instead of "happy" or "enthusiastic", and "rarefied" instead of "exclusive."
Alexander Hamilton, BookRags