
What is the significance of the Q that Anjali paints on Captain Brent’s wall in the novel, Ahimsa?


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The Q that Anjali paints on Captain Brent’s wall is a symbol of the theme of Ahimsa, and Real versus Symbolic Change. The novel starts with Anjali painting this Q on Captain Brent’s wall - symbolizing Quit India. When Anjali admits what she did later, her parents explain to her what the Independence movement is all about - Ahimsa, or non-violence which also includes not damaging property. Later on when Anjali’s own compound is painted with various names because of her social justice work with the Dalits, she thinks of the Q she painted and the damage it inflicted. Irfaan’s compound is also painted with a Q for Muslims Quit India - also hurting him. This proves that destroying property creates a cycle of hurt and violence, and does not achieve your goals. It also proves the example of symbolic versus real change.


Ahimsa, BookRags