Ahab's Wife, or, the Star-Gazer

What is the setting in the novel, Ahab's Wife, or, the Star-Gazer?


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There are numerous places that provide a setting for the action of the novel. Una was raised in Kentucky and returns to her mother's cabin to have her first baby. She moves to the island lighthouse when she is twelve and there are various scenes on the island. New Bedford is the nearest city and they travel there several times. It is from New Bedford that Una joins the crew of the Sussex and goes to sea. The Sussex provides a setting for the action until the ship is sunk. The characters survive in smaller boats until they are rescued by the Alba Abatross. This is where Giles dies and Kit begins to slip into madness. Captain Ahab's ship, the Pequod, is where Una meets Ahab, who performs the marriage ceremony for her and Kit. Nantucket Island is where Una lives after the Pequod returns. She and Kit live at the Try Pots Tavern located on the outskirts of the city. When she marries Ahab, she moves to his house, Heather's Moor, which is located across the street from the judge's house. Siasconset is located on the eastern coast of the island where Una and Justice move to. This is also where the Sankaty Lighthouse is located.


Ahab's Wife, or, the Star-Gazer, BookRags