After the Quake

What is a short summary of the story, UFO in Kushiro, from the collection, After the Quake?


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The collection's first story, UFO in Kushiro, is an account of the divorce of a man named Komura. His wife, who is nameless, slowly begins to fall into an extreme depression in the wake of the Kobe earthquake and cannot tear herself away from the television. Eventually, she leaves him, and Komura is left to put the pieces of his life together. When a coworker asks him to travel to Kushiro and deliver a mysterious box to his sister, Keiko, Komura agrees, as he cannot think of a good reason not to go. He is greeted at the airport in Kushiro by Keiko and her friend Shimao. The three of them eat dinner and discuss a broad range of seemingly facile topics before Keiko brings Komura to a love hotel on the outskirts of the city. She leaves him there with Shimao, who attempts to initiate sex. Komura, however, cannot become aroused; he continues thinking of his wife and the earthquakes. Shimao makes a joke that the box which Komura gave to Keiko contained the last little part of him, something which seems to sober Komura. He tells Shimao he feels far from home.

