After the Quake

What is a short summary of the story, Landscape with Flatiron, from the collection, After the Quake?


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Landscape with Flatiron is the story of Junko, a young woman who has fled her home to a small seaside town in the Ibaraki Prefecture. She lives with a college dropout named Keisuke who is slightly older than her, but her best friend is a middle-aged man named Miyake who is in the habit of building bonfires on the beach. Junko met Miyake at her job as a convenient store clerk and was drawn to him when he revealed his life-long fear of refrigerators. Miyake has left his family in Kobe in the wake of the earthquake because he was so traumatized by the experience. Now, he works as a painter, and his current project is called Landscape with Flatiron. One night, Junko insists that she and Keisuke join Miyake for a bonfire. After getting in a disagreement with Miyake, Keisuke leaves, and Miyake begins explaining symbolism to Junko, invoking Jack London, who authored Junko's favorite story, "To Build a Fire," which she is convinced is about a man who wants to die. In the midst of explaining Landscape with Flatiron, Junko begins to cry and says that she is empty inside. Miyake says they can die together once the fire burns out.

