After the Quake

What is a short summary of the story, All God's Children Can Dance, from the collection, After the Quake?


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All God's Children Can Dance is a surreal narrative about a man named Yoshiya who lives with his mother, an ardent missionary who is away in Kobe. Yoshiya is on the subway home one day when he spots a man missing an earlobe and decides to follow him because he believes the man is his long-lost father. Yoshiya was told as a child by his mother and his spiritual advisor Mr. Tabata that he was the son of god. The story sprung from Yoshiya's mother's pregnancy, which was likely a product of her relationship with an abortion doctor who was missing an earlobe, a man so convinced of his contraceptive prowess that when Yoshiya's mother became pregnant he abandoned her. Yoshiya follows the man with the missing earlobe into a warehouse district, but the man disappears and Yoshiya finds himself on a baseball field, which invokes memories of his childhood when he did not understand why his father, God, would not help him catch fly balls. Yoshiya walks to the pitcher's mound and begins to dance before calling out God's name.

