After Sappho

Who is Renée Vivien as noted in the book, After Sappho?


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The British poet Renée Vivien is born in 1877 as Pauline Tarn. She chooses an “inky and enigmatic” (56) name for herself, one that aligns with her romantic and mysterious nature. In 19023 Renée translates the work of Sappho into French; she begins a romantic relationship with Natalie Barney, who hosts a literary salon at her home in Paris. Together, Natalie and Renée travel to Lesbos, Sappho’s original home. Renée attempts to write about her deep love for Natalie. In 1909, Renée dies. The collective narrator notes that the community of lesbians continues to read Renée’s work. Referencing the flowers that appear prominently in Sappho’s work, the narrator adds that “every week we brought flowers to grave in Passy, always violets” (66).

