Abandon Me

How was Carl Jung an important influence in the author's life as noted in the memoir, Abandon Me?


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Swiss-born psychoanalyst and writer Carl Jung is portrayed by the author as being a significant influence on her life, sense of identity, and sense of the world. Among many other qualities of his life and work, Jung considered the integration of darker sides of humanity into identity as being just as important as integrating the lighter, freer, more positive sides. This is portrayed by the author as being one of the more significant aspects of his writing and considerations, herself struggling to integrate darker aspects of herself into her life. Jung also explored, and commented on, the importance of symbols and other archetypal (universal) images that appeared in people's lives. the author uses his contemplations as springboards into her own - for example, considering the snakes that appeared in her life when she visited Amaia in Texas in terms of, or in relation to, Jung's consideration of the same animal.


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