A Wagner Matinee
How does the author compare and contrast Georgiana's life in Nebraska with the life she lived in Boston in the story, A Wagner Matinee?

For Georgiana, Boston symbolizes the comforts and fulfillments of urban life. While living in Boston, Georgiana had a comfortable and fulfilling life, as her work was not strenuous, and she had easy access to many forms of music. After 30 years of life in rural Nebraska, when Georgiana returns to Boston for a brief visit, she is reminded of all of the comforts of urban life, of which she has been deprived for the past 30 years.
Life in Nebraska, however, is far different. When Georgiana was about 30 years old, she moved to Nebraska with Howard. They were homesteaders in a relatively unsettled area, and so life there was very difficult at first. Although they eventually managed to build a steadier life there, the manual labor took a toll on Georgiana for 30 years, and she had to live with almost no access to music whatsoever.