A Tale of Two Cities
What is the summary of Chapter 4 in the book, A Tale of Two Cities?

In Chapter Four, upon arriving at the Royal George Hotel, Lorry is assured, weather-permitting, there will be a boat to Calais, France, the next day. At breakfast, he makes sure that accommodations are prepared for a young lady arriving the next day. When Miss Lucie Manette arrives, he visits her. He explains to Lucie her that her father, who disappeared so long ago, is not dead as she has been told but is still alive after a long prison stay in the Bastille. He used to be his father's connection to the Bank of Tellson. Of course, like with everything else, his relationship with her father was strictly business. Her father, Doctor Manette, though, is not well, a ghost of his former self. When Miss Manette faints, her attendant, Miss Pross, helps revive her with smelling salts, cold water and vinegar. There is a plan to find her father in France and take him back to England.