A Tale of Two Cities
In Book 1 and 2 of the novel, do you find virtue vs. evil to be a prominent theme? Discuss with evidences ?

Darnay, as well as many of the other characters are honest.... virtuous, and yet they live in a world where they are surrounded by evil. Much of what happens to them has nothing to do with their own actions..... their problems are caused by the evil around them. Thus, virtue versus evil is a definite theme in the text.
Darnay, for example, is targeted by the revolutionaries not because of what he's done, but rather, for who he is.
Dr. Manette, on the other hand, becomes a target of the aristocracy because he dares to tell the truth. His attempts to expose and bring two of the St. Evremondes to trial for crimes against the people leads to eighteen years of imprisonment.... for himself..... not the perpetrators of the crime.