A Tale of Three Kings
Who is Absalom's Followers from A Tale of Three Kings and what is their importance?

Absalom's followers are the citizens of David's kingdom. These people are the children and grandchildren of David's followers. These people see that David's kingdom needs changes in order to make it a better place to live. Absalom's followers listen to his descriptions of the changes he sees that need to be made and find that many of his solutions are better than their own. When it is suggested that Absalom take over the kingdom, it comes from one of these followers. Absalom likes what he hears and joins with his followers to make it happen. When Absalom's attempt to become king is found out by the citizens of David's kingdom, many of them join Absalom's cause, becoming part of his following and making the decision easier for him to make. It also shows David that perhaps this change is something that God wants and causes him to step back and allow it to happen.