A Simple Plan: A Novel
comment on theme

While there's no doubt that some people want money - even a great deal of money - there is a difference between a simple desire for money and the level of greed exemplified by those involved in this story. The desire for money that provides a particular lifestyle is common to most people but outright greed is exemplified by actions that show no respect for others. It's interesting that both are seen in this story. Jacob wants his share of the money but is never driven to the level of greed exemplified by Sarah, Lou and Hank. When Hank stoops to kill even his own brother, he says that he did so in order to keep from being caught at the deed. The problem with this is that Hank could have given up the money and likely covered his involvement at almost any time, but continues to search for a way to keep the money. This exemplifies greed at its most basic point. This greed drives much of the story, including the suspicion that makes several of the characters constantly in battle with each other.