A Simple Heart

Why do you think Flaubert has Félicité run all the way to say goodbye to Victor only to miss him at the last?


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it is definitely sad when Félicité runs ten miles in her clogs to say goodbye to her nephew only to miss him as the boat pulls out of the harbor. Perhaps Flaubert chose to do this because that is what realistically might happen. She got lost on her way, which would be very natural, and the boat certainly wouldn't stop because a servant wanted to see her nephew. Even though it might realistically happen, however, it is still an authorial decision and perhaps Flaubert meant to emphasize the way that Félicité's life seems always to be marked by disappointment. She seems to be happy living with and working for Mme. Aubain but she lost her parents and was disappointed in love early in her life, her sister failed to have real love for her, Mme. Aubain's children went away and became estranged from her, and now her nephew who does seem to have a real family feeling for her left and she didn't get to say goodbye. Flaubert is definitely creating a character who lives a difficult and often sad life, but who is nevertheless unfailingly good, kind, and loving to those around her.