A Simple Heart
Describe the scene with the bull and explain why you think it is important.
While Félicité and the family are at their farm, they encounter a charging bull. Félicité gives the others time to escape from the enclosure by throwing clods of earth into the bull's face at great personal risk and then manages to escape herself. As rumor spreads of the event, people consider her a hero, but she cannot understand why and becomes much more consumed in taking care of Virginie who seems to have a nervous breakdown as a result of the experience. This scene is important because it shows that Félicité is capable of heroism. It seems like she acts out of instinct, but it is clear that she has come to love the family she works for, especially the children and that her protective response was really inspired by her love for them. She is clearly someone who can be relied on. Mme. Aubain, on the other hand, does not appear to have been able to protect her children without Félicité's help. She certainly helps them over the gate first, which is admirable, but even this she did almost sloppily, naturally consumed by her fear, while Félicité acted deliberately and was cool under the pressure. This event serves to teach us even more about both Félicité and Mme. Aubain.