A Scanner Darkly
5 keypoints in chapter 1
provide summary of chapter 1 using keupoints

provide summary of chapter 1 using keupoints
The novel begins with a vivid scene between two minor characters, Jerry Fabin and Charles Freck. It is curious that Dick has chosen to focus readers' attention to these periphery characters before introducing the novel's protagonist. Perhaps these opening scenes serve to highlight the humanity of the victims of drug abuse. The physical pain that results from Jerry Fabin's bug delusions, for both Jerry and his dog, inspires a sympathetic response from readers. The author's use of first names in this chapter seems to emphasize the fact that these characters are real human beings. In later chapters, as Dick introduces other characters, he will primarily refer to characters either by their full names or by their surnames alone. This formal usage suggests the emotional divide among characters whose only true connection is their addiction to drugs.