A Man for All Seasons
an extraordinary lucid play about an extraordinary difficult subject the authority of a individual conscience examine the play in the light of a man for all season in the light of this statement?

A Man for all Seasons, based on the events leading up to the beheading of Sir Thomas More in 1535 places an individual in a battle between ethics, morality, and the law. More believed that the Church was the ultimate authority, both on earth and for mankind. He also considered the Pope to be God's unshakable voice.Though he accepted Henry the 8th's marriage (since the Pope approved of it) but when he wanted to get rid of Catherine and wed Anne Bolyen so that he might have heirs, More balked. More was placed under pressure by the King when Henry married Anne in a civil service against the direct edicts of Rome. More considered the marriage unethical and immoral and stated that Henry's mortal soul was in danger, and he accused him of bigamy. In a political move, when Henry basically made himself the head of the Church of England More could not in good conscience go along with it. But, rather than using theological arguments, More, who was an expert at law, began citing legalities pointing to the fact that the marriage was not legal. He might have succeeded in this except that Richard Rich lied on the witness stand leaving Henry no other option but to end More's moral and ethcial objections.