Twelve Angry Men
How is the theme of collaboration portrayed in Twelve Angry Men?

The jury would never have reached their verdict without working together as a group. There is a reason that a jury includes twelve members instead of one or two or three. A jury of twelve will almost necessarily include members of different age groups and backgrounds. This jury has both young and old members. There are members of different economic backgrounds. Each of these members has something to offer the deliberation. The old juror sees himself in the old man witness and provides a reason for why he may have lied or misinterpreted what happened that night. A younger juror offers that the old man may have hated the young defendant. A juror that grew up in a poor neighborhood offers insight into methods of knife fighting. One who lived next to an elevated train knows that the sound of the train passing drowns out all other noise. Jurors who wear glasses know that no one ever wears glasses to bed. This jury could never have fully and completely analyzed the case without the insight and individual experience of each of its members.
Twelve Angry Men