A Is for Alibi

Kinsey likes to jog every day, and when she goes out for her daily run after visiting Montebello, Charlie Scorsoni pulls up beside her in his blue Mercedes. They go back to Kinsey's apartment. What do they talk about there?


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Charlie is angry because Kinsey will not share everything she knows with him even after he says he wants to know who Laurence's real killer is if it wasn't Nikki. Charlie disarms Kinsey by telling her he did know Libby Glass and thinks Laurence and she were having an affair. Kinsey and Charlie discuss how the killer tampered with Laurence's pills and agree that the person must have had access to the house. Charlie doesn't know if Libby had visited Laurence in Santa Teresa but says Laurence had gone to Los Angeles not long before he died. Kinsey finds herself attracted to Charlie, which she doesn't feel comfortable about.