A Is for Alibi

After her third visit to the Glass residence, Kinsey returns to Santa Teresa and sleeps until 4 in the afternoon. Then she heads to Nikki's beach house. What happens at the beach house?


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At Nikki's beach house, Kinsey notices Nikki is both more relaxed and more energetic. She meets Colin, Nikki's son, thinking he looks like a pixie, like his mother. Kinsey fills Nikki in on the case so far and shows her the letter she found in Libby's things. Nikki thinks it might have been written by Laurence. Colin, who has been looking through the photo album his half-sister Diane sent him, sees a picture of Gwen and refers to her as "Daddy's mother." Nikki tries to explain he is his father's ex-wife, but the explanation is lost on the deaf boy.