Evaluate the impact of your own attitudes, values and behaviour when supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice.

My attitude toward equality, diversity, and inclusive practice within the classroom is that it can be either a detrimentmental or positive influence on the classroom as a whole. Unfortunately, those who've never worked in an inclusive classroom cannot understand all of the distractions involved to both the students and the teachers. It is important that the classroom has enough staff to see to the needs of diverse learners, it is also important that those students in the classroom without an IEP are afforded as much attention, supervision and support as those who do. I do have to say, however, that in certain situations.... inclusion is not always the best practice, and that in this circumstance, educators become frustrated.... the frustration then effects their instruction, their students, and their performance level.
Very good question, I wrote a term paper on the impact of personal beliefs on equality. Thanks to the website that converts the data, it is in pdf, txt, fb2 formats. Write to me and I will send a link to it so that you get acquainted with my opinion on this matter.