Fahrenheit 451
I need a brief plot summary for Part 1 in Fahrenheit 451?

The narrative begins with a description of the intense sensual and emotional pleasure experienced by fireman Guy Montag as he aims his kerosene-fueled flamethrower at stacks of books and then at the home that housed them. After cleaning himself up at the firehall, he walks home in the night, encountering a pretty girl, Clarisse, dressed all in white.. They introduce themselves, and Clarisse recognizes him as a fireman by the salamander tattoo on his arm and the phoenix emblem on his chest. Conversation reveals that Montag and Clarisse are living in a future society in which firemen cause fires through burning books and the homes that house them rather than putting them out as they did in the past.
As they part, Clarisse asks Montag whether he's happy, leaving him unsettled as he returns home, where he pauses beneath a ventilator grille and remembers that "something lay hidden behind the grille, something that seemed to peer down at him now". He also remembers another strange meeting he had, with an old man in the park with whom he had talked. He shakes off the feeling and enters his darkened bedroom to see his wife Mildred staring into the ceiling as she listens to the words and music coming from the Ear Thimbles plugged into her ears. Montag suddenly realizes that he's quite unhappy, and as he goes to his bed, kicks something on the floor, which is a bottle of sleeping pills that had been full that morning. He realizes that Mildred has taken an overdose. As he calls the hospital, there is a roar of fighter jets overhead.
In response to Montag's call, a pair of medical technicians arrives and performs a pair of procedures, pumping Mildred's stomach and cleansing her blood, their commentary revealing that they're doing increasing numbers of similar visits. After they go, Montag marvels at how people have become strangers to each other and impulsively goes out to Clarisse's house, where her family is still awake and talking, her uncle discussing how everyone in society has become "disposable". The following morning, Montag wakes to find Mildred in the kitchen, still plugged into her Ear Thimbles and unaware of what happened the night before. He lets her believe that she had too good a time at a party, and then prepares to go to work. As he's about to leave, he discovers Mildred excitedly looking forward to engaging in that evening's parlor entertainment.
As Montag walks to the firehall, he encounters Clarisse, happily lifting her face to the rain and opening her mouth so she can taste it. Conversation reveals that she finds Montag an unusual kind of fireman in that he actually seems to listen to and hear what she's saying. After she goes, Montag lifts his face to the rain and opens his mouth.